
Hydraulic fittings Failures

Leaking from around the gland outer diameter can be caused by o-ring failure, or by having a cracked gland, either which in turn could have been caused by poor clearances. Clearances will need to be checked and the gland tested for cracks. If the o-ring is faulty then a backup can often be fitted, or the o-ring can be replaced. A bent piston rod may be a sign that the hydraulic cylinder is a being overloaded. This may be because the cylinder and associated piston are working outside of their specification - overloaded in other words. It can also be caused by an outside impact of some kind - for example a collision.
The first thing to check is the load and whether the cylinder is working within specification, or not, as without this information any repair will not last long. The piston rod can be replaced, but this is also an opportunity to review the specification and upgrade the rod if necessary. A split weld on the base and ports may be caused at the original manufacture by a poor weld failing. It may also be caused by shock loading - or a sudden impact to full pressure. An examination of the use of the cylinder is required to make sure it is not being misused, or employed out of its specification. This will ensure the problem does not recur after repair.
Custom Hammer Pipe Line is usually caused by the cylinder working on a load above its specification, or else by a shock loading - or a sudden impact to full pressure. As with other issues above, before a repair is made the operational use of the cylinder should be checked to ensure it is not working out of specification. This investigation can lead to a change of use, or else an upgrading of specification on repair. For example, the specification of the replacement eye bearing may be upgraded and the clevis pin size may also be increased. A rod worn on one side is a sign of a sideways movement of some kind either from a lack of bearing support, or else too much side load which can be a result of misalignment or misuse. The rod itself may actually be under specified for the load and so the use of the cylinder should be checked to make sure it is being used within specification. A repair will provide an opportunity to not just fix the problem, but raise the specification of the assembly by increasing the rod size, increasing the bearing area or incorporating external guides. A combination of all three is also possible.
The above list is not exhaustive of course, but these are the most common failures. Often Hydraulic fittings repair is an opportunity to review working practices, or raise the specification of the cylinder. This means that not only is the problem fixed but preventive measure applied to reduce the possibility of future recurrence.
Related Reading: Custom Hammer Pipe Line, 
Coal mine rescue drainage, mine rescue and drainage

