To sit down and chat masters brass art, old master had learned of this craft is the fourth generation heir, in this old shop habitat has been 30 years of history. According to the old master introduction, this Brass Mail Slots For Doors all the technical processes are him complete, including prototype sanding, welding, burning, polishing are carried out in the old store. See a finished, and on this ground range of grinding tools, we exclaimed, exquisite craft of the old master.
In fact, other places also have such brass production, but are industrialization, and manual contrast, the industrialization of brass, its durability and resistance to kick better than handmade. But if in the future no one inherited this craft, and also the only industrial production.
Old artist where we learned this art of handmade brass products, has been rare in China, and the traditional production techniques, he has only one. His basic work 12 hours a day, he loves this art, from the previous thirty years now, never stopped, but he did not craft tradition, because this door too hard skills, today's young people no one is willing to go learn.
Now 8090 after many of this generation have forgotten such a Brass Building Hardware, this traditional handicraft awareness is relatively weak, let alone to inherited this craft things. However, a city traditional things, and precious, we need to develop a deeper understanding and not let the traditional things sleep.
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