United States scientists study, stainless steel door handles can breed thousands of germs, including Gram positive and negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Streptococcus bacteria. Expert on Brass Door Lever for the same test, results were surprising: brass padlock with bacteria on the hands is much less than the stainless steel handle.
In other words, the role of copper have destroy bacteria. The experts carried out repeated experiments on measuring the speed of copper bacterial death. Results on the brass door knob bacteria in 7 hours or less have all been wiped out, and the new polished brass finish, "war of annihilation" in less than one hour, requiring only 15 minutes. Therefore, experts recommended to protect public health and the environment, especially as hospitals, shops, airports, stations such places is best to use a Brass Door handle with estate style.
Round brass Door Knob can destroy germs secret is: pure copper itself and the low pH environment prone to chemical reactions in the air to form a thin film, this film has a layer of copper to prevent the continuing role of chemical reactions, which is after the chemical reaction layer to the film plays an inhibitory effect on bacteria, because people's sweat has a complex composition, these complex components left in the brass door handles surface, chemical reactions can occur with copper,
Can generate: copper oxide; sulfate; copper hydroxide and the like. People in contact with High End Brass Door Knockers left bacteria while leaving the sweat, the result of bacteria on the surface of the brass, but lost the living conditions, will die in a short time, but on one condition: that Brass Door Knob with hexagonal style must always kept clean, in order to generate an effective film, and rusty brass knob as is the breeding ground for bacteria, so use copper handle locks should regularly wipe, clean the lock surface.
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Related Reading: Brass Door Knob with hexagonal style, High End Brass Door Knockers , Brass Door handle with estate style